Biodesign and Diagnostics
The Centre for Biodesign and Diagnostics (CBD) specializes in the development of innovative in vitro diagnostic assays, with a strong emphasis on point-of-care testing. CBD's primary focus areas within in vitro diagnostics include acute febrile illnesses, especially tropical fevers, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), SARS-CoV-2, and the development of novel tools and platforms for diagnostics. Additionally, CBD is actively involved in the development of biomaterial-based tissue implants, particularly engineering extracellular matrix and synthetic polymer-based surgical patches and injectable hydrogels for tissue repair.
CBD is committed to addressing the challenges posed by acute febrile illnesses, particularly tropical fevers. By developing advanced diagnostic assays, CBD aims to enable early and accurate detection of these illnesses, facilitating timely treatment and improving patient outcomes
In addition, CBD recognizes the urgency of combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The center works towards developing diagnostic solutions for rapid pathogen identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, enabling more targeted and effective treatment strategies.
The global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 has highlighted the critical importance of diagnostics in managing infectious diseases. CBD actively contributed to the development of diagnostic tools and assays specifically designed for SARS-CoV-2 detection, aiming to enhance testing capabilities and support effective disease control measures.
Moreover, CBD is dedicated to the continuous development of novel tools and platforms for diagnostics. By leveraging advancements in technology and scientific understanding, CBD strives to create innovative solutions that improve the accuracy, speed, and accessibility of diagnostic testing across various diseases and conditions.
By leveraging their knowledge in biomaterials, CBD aims to develop advanced tissue implants that can address various clinical needs. Whether it is surgical patches for wound closure or injectable hydrogels for tissue regeneration, CBD's focus on biomaterial-based approaches paves the way for innovative solutions in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
In summary, with its focus areas in in vitro diagnostics and medical implants, CBD aims to make significant contributions to improving disease diagnosis, treatment, and public health outcomes.
Major programs
- 1. in vitro diagnostics
a. Development of reliable diagnostics tests for acute febrile illnesses
b. Development of diagnostics solutions for AMR
- 2. Biomaterials:
a. Engineering extracellular matrix (ECM) and synthetic polymers based surgical patches and injectables hydrogels for tissue repair.
• Infographics may be provided
Figure Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection ELISA kit.
Figure (A) Principle of the upconverting phosphor nanoparticles (UCNP)-Lateral flow immunoassay for malaria antigen detection. The photoluminescence signal of the UCNPs is measured with an instrument by exciting the particles with an infrared laser at a wavelength of 976 nm, and measuring the resulting emission at 550 nm. The area containing the test and control lines is scanned and the line signals are quantified with the instrument. (B) In a conventional lateral flow immunoassay, the label is detected visually by eye.
Name of faculty members and Scientists
The centre/facility is open to providing services to academia and industry. For any queries, contact the following
Contact Details
Dr. Gaurav Batra
0129- 2876357