Visit of students from UPES, Dehradun

05 Sep 2024

On 3rd September 2024, 32 UG and PG students from UPES, Dehradun visited THSTI. During their visit, they visited computational and biology centre, genomics facility, vaccine design and development centre, bioassay facility and biorepository facility.

As the students ventured through these state-of-the-art facilities at THSTI, they were captivated by the interactive and engaging demonstrations conducted by the scientists. The computational and biology center unveiled the intricate world of bioinformatics. The genomics facility showcased the revolutionary techniques used to sequence and study DNA, offering insights into genetic variations and their implications for health and disease. The vaccine design and development center provided a glimpse into the meticulous process of developing vaccines in academia. The bioassay facility demonstrated the critical role of biological assays in evaluating the efficacy and safety of drugs, vaccines, and other biological products. The visit culminated with an exploration of the biorepository facility, where precious biological samples are meticulously stored and preserved for future research and analysis. The interactive and engaging sessions provided the students with insights about the research being done at THSTI for the advancement of healthcare.