- M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellow, THSTI, India
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
- Scientist at Department of Genetics, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, India
- Ph.D. in Life Sciences, CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow, India (JNU, New Delhi)
- M.Sc. Microbiology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India
Areas of interest
Virology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Mitochondrial Biology
Current Project
“Mechanistic insight in mitochondria mediated immunometabolic regulation of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis”
under M K Bhan-Young Researcher Fellowship Program (M K Bhan-YRFP-2021)
Past research work
Role of mitochondria in esophageal biology: IL13-mediated alterations in mitochondrial biology contribute to impaired squamous cell differentiation in Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Human Neurotropic JC Virus Agnoprotein Targets Mitochondrion and Modulates Its Functions
Understanding the modulation of host protein expression mediated by HIV-1 Nef in immune cells
1. Saxena R, Saribas S, Jadiya P, Tomar D, Kaminski R, Elrod JW, Safak M. (2020) “Human neurotropic polyomavirus, JC virus, agnoprotein targets mitochondrion and modulates its functions”.Virology. 15;553:135-153. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2020.11.004. Epub Nov 25. PMID: 33278736
2. Saxena, R*, Klochkova A*, Murray MG*, Kabir MF, Samad S, Beccari T, Gang J, Patel K, Hamilton, KE, Whelan KA (2019) “Roles for Autophagy in Esophageal Carcinogenesis: Implicationsfor Improving Patient Outcomes”. Cancers, 11 (11) PMID: 31683722 [* Equal contribution]
3. Saxena R*, Vekariya U K* and Tripathi RK. (2019). “HIV-1 Nef and host proteome analysis: Current perspective”. Life Sciences, 219(322-328) PMID: 30664855 [* Equal contribution]
4. Saxena R., Vekariya, U.K., Kumar, P., Tripathi, A.K., Ghosh,J.K., & Tripathi,R.K.(2018). “HIV-1 Nef CAWLEAQ motif: a regulator of monocytes invasion through ENO1 modulation”. Mol Cell Biochem. 447(1-2):151-164 PMID:29404888
5. Saxena R*, Vekariya UK*, Singh P, Rawat K, Tripathi RK, et.al. (2018). “HIV-1 Nef POTEE; A novel interaction modulates macrophage dissemination via mTORC2 signaling pathway”. Life Sciences. 215 (158-166) PMID: 30391463 [* Equal contribution]
6. Saxena R, Gupta S, Singh K, Mitra K, Tripathi AK & Tripathi RK. (2015). “Proteomic Profiling of SupT1 Cells Reveal Modulation of Host Proteins by HIV-1 Nef Variants”. PLoSONE 10(4) PMID: 25874870
7. Kumar P, Sharma T, Kumari S, Saxena R, Tripathi RK et.al . (2019). “HIV-1 Nef physically associate with CAMKIIδ – ASK-1 complex to inhibit p38MAPK signalling and apoptosis in infected cells”. Life Sciences, 224 (263-273) PMID: 30902545
8. Vekariya U K, Rawat K, Saxena R, and Tripathi RK. (2018). “Identification of MΦ specific POTEE expression: its role in mTORC2 activation via protein-protein interaction in TAMs”. Cellular Immunology, 335(30-40) PMID: 30420269
9. Kushwaha RN, Debnath U, Singh P, Saxena R, Gupta SK, Katti SB et.al. (2015). “New Piperazine-Derived NNRTIs as Anti-HIV Agent: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Molecular Docking Studies”. Ind Ame J Pharm Res.2015:5(01)
10. Murgesan V, Makwana M, Suryawanshi R, Saxena R, Katti Sb et.al. (2014). “Rational design and synthesis of novel thiazolidin-4-ones as non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors”. Bioorg Med Chem. 22(12) PMID: 24794742
11. Thakur D, Saxena R, Singh V, Haq W, Katti SB, et al. (2012) “Human Beta Casein Fragment (54–59) Modulates ]M. bovis BCG Survival and Basic Transcription Factor 3 (BTF3) Expression in THP-1 Cell Line”. PLoS ONE. 7(9) PMID: 23029305
12. S. Fatima, A. Sharma, R. Saxena, R. Tripathi, S.K. Shukla, S.K. Pandey, R. Tripathi, R.P. Tripathi. (2012). “One pot efficient diversity-oriented synthesis of polyfunctional styryl thiazolopyrimidines and their bio- evaluation as anti-malarial and anti-HIV agents”. Eur J Med Chem. 55(195-204) PMID: 22871486
13. Murugesan V, Tiwari VS, Saxena R, Tripathi RK, Katti SB et.al.(2011). “Lead Optimization at C-2 and N-3 positions of thiazolidin-4-ones as HIV-1 Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors”. Bioorg Med Chem. 19(22) PMID: 21982685
1. Kabir, Mohammad & Murray, Mary Grace & Saxena, Reshu & Klochkova, Alena & Cruz, Jasmine & Whelan, Kelly.(2021). “Esophageal Cancers: Leveraging Alterations in Mitochondrial Biology to Improve Patient Outcomes”.(10.1016/B978-0-12-820472-6.00074-8) Chapter In book: Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences
2. Reichenbach Z W, Murray M G, Saxena R, Farkas D, Karassik E G, Klochkova A, Whelan KA (2019). “Clinical and translational advances in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma”. In K. D. Tew, & P. B. Fisher (Eds.), Adv Cancer Res. 144 (95-135) PMID: 31349905
3. Reshu Saxena, Ritika Bishnoi, Deepak Singla. (2020) “Gene Ontology (GO): Application and Importance in functional annotation of the genomic data”. In book titled “Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications” by Elsevier Publisher
“Mechanistic insight in mitochondria mediated immunometabolic regulation of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis”
under M K Bhan-Young Researcher Fellowship Program (M K Bhan-YRFP-2021)
M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Program (MKB-YRFP) Award, 2021
Best Poster Presentation Award at TriMAD 2019, CHOP, UPENN, Philadelphia, USA
Awarded Dr. Reddy Laboratories junior scientist award in Molecular Biology in ASIOA meeting, 2019, Orlando, USA
Travel Fellowship award by DBT (DBT-CTEP),DST(SERB-ITS) and CICS towards attending the International HIV conference–IAS2015 in Vancouver, Canada
1stPrize in Science Quiz Competition organized on“National Science Day” inCDRI, 2011
1stPrize in poster competition organized on “NationalScienceDay” by UCOST,2007
2ndPrize in poster competition organized on “TuberculosisDay”byState Tuberculosiscell,2007
Research credentials:
Pubmed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=reshu+saxena
ORCID Id: 0000-0001-7252-4688
Researchgate Id: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Reshu-Saxena
Google Scholar Id: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=llYTqpkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao