Ph.D. SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
- MS Biotech, Bangalore University
- BS Biotech, Bangalore University
Research Scientist,
Immuno-Biology Lab,
THSTI, Faridabad, Haryana.
Post Doctoral Fellow, HFCI, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Ph.D. SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
- Mary Priyanka Udumula, Harshit Singh, Rashid Faraz, Laila Poisson, Nivedita Tiwari, Irina Dimitrova, Miriana Hijaz, Radhika Gogoi, Margaret Swenor, Adnan Munkarah, Shailendra Giri, Ramandeep Rattan. Intermittent Fasting induced ketogenesis inhibits mouse epithelial ovarian tumors by promoting anti-tumor T cell response. PMID: 36945428.
- Pande G, Hatti M, Rai MK, Rai P, Kumar K, Vp K, Nehra A, Kumar S, Ranjan Rout S,MishraSK,KumarD,KumarU,MishraP,MajeedA,SaraswatVA,SinghK,Singh H, Misra DP, Agarwal V. Response Guided Slow Inf usion of Albumin, VasoconstrictorsandFurosemideImprovesAscitesMobilizationandSurvivalinAcute onChronicLiverFailure:AProof-of-ConceptStudy.Journalofinflammationresearch, September2022.
- Gaurav Pandey #, Harshit Singh #, Saurabh Chaturved , Manjunath Hatti, Alok Kumar, Ravi Mishra, Prabhakar Mishra, V P Krishna, Arun Bhadauria, Samir Mohindra, Durga Prasanna Misra, Vivek Anand Saraswat, Vikas Agarwal. Utility of neutrophil CD64 in distinguishing bacterial infection from inflammation in severe alcoholic hepatitis fulfilling SIRS criteria. Scientific Reports, October 2021. # contributedequally
- Prasad N, Singh H, jaiswal A, Agarwal V. Overexpression of P-glycoprotein and MRP-1 are pharmacogenomic biomarkers to determine steroid resistance phenotype in childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, December2020.
- A Jain*, H Singh*, A Nath, S Chaturvedi, D.P Misra, S Ajmani, V Agarwal. Distinct T cell immunophenotypic signature in a subset of sarcoidosis patients with arthritis. The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, September 2020(*Contributed equally)
- R Mishra, R Chaturvedi, Z Hasim, A Nath, A Khan, M Gupta, H Singh, V Agarwal. Role of P-gp and HDAC2 and their Reciprocal Relationship in Uncontrolled Asthma. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, May2020.
- H Singh, Prasad N, Misra DP, Jaiswal AK, Agarwal V. P-glycoprotein and/or Histone Deacetylase 2 Regulates Steroid Responsiveness in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. IndianJournalofRheumatology,November,2019.
- H Singh, Agarwal V, Chaturvedi S, Misra DP, Jaiswal AK, Prasad N. Reciprocal Relationship between HDAC2 and P-Glycoprotein/MRP-1 and Their Role in Steroid ResistanceinChildhoodNephroticSyndrome.FrontPharmacol,May2019.
- SunilPradhan,AnimeshDas, HarshitSingh, SaurabhChaturvedi,KritikaSingh,Ravi Mishra,DurgaPMisra,VikasAgarwal.SteroidResponsivenessinDuchenneMuscular Dystrophy-PredictiveValueofEpigeneticRegulatorHistoneDeacetylase2.IndianJ Pediatrics.
- Saurabh Chaturvedi, Mohit Kumar Rai, Harshit Singh, Durga Prasanna Misra, Narayan Prasad, Vinita Agrawal, Kailash Rastogi, Vikas Agarwal. Dual inhibition by Phosphodiesterase-5 and 5-HT2B inhibitor lead to near complete amelioration of fibroticpotentialofhuman adultdermalfibroblastsisolated fromsclerodermapatient. Indian Journal ofRheumatology.
- Ajmani S, Singh H, ChaturvediS, Mishra R, Rai MK, Jain A, Misra DP, Agarwal, V. Utility of Neutrophil CD64 and Serum TREM-1 in Distinguishing Bacterial Infection from Disease Flare in SLE and ANCA-associated Vasculitis. Clin Rheumatol, April 2019.
- Ghosh PS, Singh H, Azim A, Agarwal V, ChaturvediS, Saran S, Mishra P, Gurjar M, Baronia AK, Poddar B,Singh RK, Mishra R. Correlation of Neutrophil CD64 With Clinical Profile and Outcome of Sepsis Patients During Intensive Care Unit Stay. Indian J Crit Care Med, August2019.
- SaurabhChaturvedi,DurgaPrasannaMisra,NarayanPrasad,KailashRastogi,Harshit Singh,MohitKumarRai,VikasAgarwal.5â€HT2and5â€HT2Bantagonistsattenuateproâ€fibroticphenotypeinhumanadultdermalfibroblastsbyblockingTGFâ€β1â€induced nonâ€canonicalsignalingpathwaysincludingSTAT3:implicationsforfibroticdiseases likescleroderma.IntJRheumDiseases,December2018.
- PrasadN,JaiswalAK,AgarwalV,YadavB,SharmaRK,RaiM,SinghH,Chaturvedi S,SinghA.DifferentialalterationinperipheralT-regulatoryandT-effectorcellswith changeinP-glycoproteinexpressioninChildhoodNephroticSyndrome:Alongitudinal study. Cytokine, April2015.
Under Consideration
- Saurabh chaturvedi, Harshit Singh, mary Priyanka Udumula, Narayan Prasad. Molecular Pathophysiology and Pharmacological Interventions Targeting Molecular Pathways in Abridging Peritoneal Fibrosis in Peritoneal Dialysis, Currently under review with CJASN.
- Saurabh chaturvedi*, Harshit Singh*, Vikas Agarwal, akhilesh Jaiswal, Narayan Prasad. Selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5 and 5-HT 2B receptor attenuate fibrotic potential of peritoneal fibroblasts in PD patients. * contributed equally. under review in Kidney International Reorts.
1) A Method to Determine a Steroid-Resistant Phenotype in Childhood Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome by Utilizing a Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers. Prasad, Narayan; Agrawal, Vikas; Jaiswal, Akhilesh Kumar; Chaturvedi, Saurabh and Singh, Harshit. Patent number: 2021105595. Australia.
1) Understanding the effect of dietary interventions on immunemetabolism.
2) Tumor Immunology.
3) Autoimmune diseases.
4) Development of flowcytometry based test to study the bioenergetics of immune cells.
- PostDoctorateFellowship, 2021HenryFordCancerInstitute,Detroit,Michigan,USA.
- “CollegeJournalAward” by the AD Award committee of Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 2020 for publication of "DistinctTcellimmuno-phenotypicsignaturein a subset of sarcoidosis patientswith arthritis".
- Andrew Douglas College Journal Award (Sarcoid and other granulomatous conditions category) for year (2020) by the AD Award committee. For publication of Distinct T cellimmuno-phenotypicsignatureinasubsetofsarcoidosispatientswitharthritis.
- Best oral presentation award at “48th Indian Society of Nephrology (ISNCON)” as a delegate for oral presentation, held in New Delhi, India, during 14 th -17th December 2017.
- Best oral Presentation award at“54th EuropeanRenalAssociation-EuropeanDialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), as a delegate for oral presentation, held in Madrid, Spain, 3rd to 6th June2017. ASQ travel award.
- International Travel award to attent the 25th WCN, held in Melbourne, Australia, April 12-15. 2019.
- Best oral presentation award at “49th Indian Society of Nephrology (ISNCON)” as a delegatefororalpresentation,heldinBhubaneshwar,India,during20th-23rdDecember 2018.
- Best oral presentation award at “50th Indian Society of Nephrology (ISNCON)” as a delegate for oral presentation, held in Chandigarh, India, during 20 th -23rd December 2019.
- Best poster award at North Zone Indian Society of Nephrology Congress 2020(NZISNCON) as a delegate for poster presentation, held in Lucknow, India, during 28th Feb to 1st of March2020.
Abstract Presented:
- Singh H, Udumula MP, Hijaz M, Giri S3, Rattan R. Calorie Restriction Potentiates the EffectofChemotherapyinaMouseModelofEpithelialOvarianCancer.Translational OncologyCancerSymposium,Detroit,Michigan10th–11thNovember2022.
- Singh H, UdChaturvedi S, Prasad N, Singh H, Agarwal V, Misra D. 5-HT2 and 5-HT2B receptor inhibition attenuate peritoneal fibrosis by targeting non-canonical signaling pathways includingSTAT3.ISNWorldCongressofNephrology.12th-15thApril,2019,Melbourne, Australia.KidneyInternationalReports2019,Volume4,Issue7(Suppl.),PageS218.
- umula, MP, Sakr S, Dar S, Li S, Jiang J, Tang A, Buekers T,Morris R, , Munkarah A, Giri S, Rattan R. Epithelial Ovarian Cancermicroenvironment regulates Myeloid cell metabolism to confer immunosuppression via glutamine metabolism.1st Translational Oncology Cancer Symposium, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan. 11th -12th November 2021.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Vikas Agarwal, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Akhilesh Jaiswal. Role of p-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein-1 on different t-cell subsets and effect of MDR-1 gene polymorphism on p-gp expression in idiopathic nephroticsyndromeinchildren.49thWorldCongressofNephrology(April12-15,2019), Melbourne (VIC),Australia.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Akhilesh Jaiswal, Vikas Agarwal. Epigenetic regulation: Does HDAC2 plays role in drug resistance via regulation of P-gp and MRP-1. 49th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, 20th – 23rd December, 2018, Bhubneshwar India. Indian Journal of Nephrology 2018, Volume 28, Number 1 (Suppl.), PageS12.
- Harshit Singh, Avinash Jain, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Sanat Phatak, Sajal Ajmani, Durga P Misra, Vikas Agarwal. Skewing of T-helper axis towards Th1, Th2 and Th17 cells in sarcoid arthiritis compared to nonarticular sarcoidosis. 34th Annual Conference of Indian RheumatologyAssociation,6th–9thDecember,2018,Guwahati,India.IndianJournalof Rheumatology 2018, Supplement 2,Page S6.
- HarshitSingh,NarayanPrasad,SaurabhChaturvedi,AkhileshJaiswal,MohitKumarRai, Kritika Singh, Ravi Mishra, Sushma Singh, Mantabaya Singh, Ranjeet Singh Chauhan, VikasAgarwal.Epigeneticregulationofmultidrugresistancegenesbyhistonedeacetylase 2insteroidresistanceviaregulationofP-glycoproteinandmultidrugresistanceassociated protein-1 in patients of nephrotic syndrome. 34th Annual Conference of Indian RheumatologyAssociation,6th–9thDecember,2018,Guwahati,India.IndianJournalof Rheumatology2018,Supplement2,PageS20.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Vikas Agarwal, Akhilesh Jaiswal. Epigenetic regulation of P-gp expression in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. 55th ERA- EDTA Congress, 24th-27th May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation,Volume33,Issuesuppl1,1May2018,Pagei301.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Vikas Agarwal, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Akhilesh Jaiswal. P-glycoproteinandMultiDrugResistanceAssociatedProtein-1ondifferentT-cellsubsets in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Children. 48th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, 14th – 17th December, 2017, New Delhi, India. Indian Journal of Nephrology2017,Volume27,Number1(Suppl.),PageS11.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Vikas Agarwal, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Akhilesh Jaiswal. P-GlycoproteinandMultidrugResistance-AssociatedProtein1ondifferentTCellSubsets in Idiopathic Nephrotic syndrome in Children. 54th ERA-EDTA Congress, 3rd-6th June 2017, Madrid, Spain. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 32, Number 3 (Suppl.), 1 May 2017, Pageiii60.
- Harshit Singh, Narayan Prasad, Saurabh Chaturvedi, Vikas Agarwal, Akhilesh Jaiswal, Ravi Mishra, Brijesh Yadav. Role of P-Glycoprotein; Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein1ondifferentTCellSubsetsinSteroidResistantNephroticsyndromeinChildren. 47th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nephrology, 15th -18th December 2016, Mumbai,India.IndianJournalofNephrology2016,Volume26,Number2(Suppl.),Page S51.
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